FMG appoints Darrin Bull as Head of Strategy
Thursday 29 September 2022
FMG has appointed Darrin Bull as Head of Strategy after an executive search conducted by SEQEL Partners.
Darrin is a seasoned leader with extensive experience in developing and delivering strategy coupled with strong product management disciplines. Darrin’s career to date has focused on the delivery of tangible benefits from strategy and execution programmes, including organisational change and improved client experience and business performance. His experience base includes running his own strategy consultancy in addition to working for Loyalty NZ, BNZ Life Insurance, FlexiGroup and Sovereign Assurance in a variety of roles including Director of Strategy, Head of Product & Distribution, Group Strategist, Chief Transformation Officer and Chief Officer Strategy and Planning.
Darrin is focused on anticipating trends and helping organisations understand and prepare for the future. He serves as a Board member for a number of not-for-profits (including Chair of ADHD NZ) and is also a Justice of the Peace.
Darrin holds a Graduate Diploma Arts in Public Policy and a Graduate Diploma in Finance, both from Massey University. He also holds Bachelor and Masters Degrees in Commerce from Victoria University. He commences with FMG, New Zealand’s leading rural insurance provider, in October and will report to the Chief Executive Adam Heath.