A key component of any successful enterprise is a quality Board of Directors, which has the diversity of thought and experience to guide an executive team to achieve strategic, financial and cultural objectives. SEQEL has deep experience in making impactful Board appointments, taking the time to understand what skills and experiences are required around the Board table to achieve the aspirations of the business.

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At SEQEL, we take the time to understand your business, speaking with the Board Chair, individual Directors, and if appropriate, the Chief Executive to form a viewpoint on the opportunities and challenges facing the Board. Importantly, we focus on both the experience or technical skills in a new Board appointment, plus an appreciation of the style and culture fit for an effective appointment. Leveraging our proven research capability, we systematically identify, approach and assess relevant Director candidates prior to client interviews. In partnership with our clients, we conduct appropriate references and probity checks, and facilitate due diligence by both parties, before a Board appointment is concluded.

SEQEL Appointments

To see examples of SEQEL's Board appointments

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